Friday, April 22, 2011

A word about the creation of this blog.

Yep, it happened already.  Hours after my wife announced on Facebook the creation of this blog I received the call: 

"Ducks In The Desert?  Why not Beavers In The Desert?  You know I hate the Ducks!"

Despite the protestations of friends and relatives, I can assure you that the naming of this blog has nothing to do with collegiate athletics or loyalty to an alma mater.  Were that the case, this would be Vikings In The Desert.  Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.  Beavers In The Desert doesn't really flow well either.  This is about the adventures of 5 Oregonians moving to that vast outdoor oven known as the Desert Southwest.  We are not rabid Quacker Backers.  (Go Timbers!)

1 comment:

  1. alrighty, I've added you to my RSS feeds & even put it in my inbox, I'm tracking you now,
    big hugs, will miss you dearly
